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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Yesterday and Today

How I felt Yesterday
I was officially bored for the first time ever!!!! It was the most productive day in terms of devotions, two loads of laundry, cooking dinner, making soup, and even scrapbooking three pages and writing a bunch of letters and cards, (and of course feeding the baby at her demand, is given), and then walking aimlessly at Walmart and Futureshop. I called my Dad too. But I was sooooo bored, like what should I do next?

I guess all of these "productive" tasks have finally now become routine... well now I know what I am missing in my life finally, it's my work, like I mean real Engineering work, engaging my mind, troubleshooting technical problems or learning/ applying some kind of new technology. Maybe tomorrow I should build something or put something together. argggh!
Cooincidently it is the day that I did not play piano. usually a Bach Invention or Prelude and Fugue is pretty engaging. And maybe finally incorporating some real excercise would really help :)

I do thank GOd and praise him for putting me in this situation obviously, but I am also thankful I will only have to be at home fulltime for a year (or less) :)

How I feel Today
I went to the extraordinarybabyshoppe again and I borrowed a Hotsling to try out. I used it all afternoon and she slept like a baby (for real)! It ends up feeling like a hammock for her, and the positioning is just like it was for her in the womb I suppose. I felt really close to her for the first time in that way, like it was for me when she was inside my belly. Like I wanted her close to me like that forever. Well I have to return the Hotsling tomorrow but I am going to buy one for sure.

I did not play Bach today, but I did not feel bored at all today, maybe because I spent more time with her instead of rushing around being busy around the house! Everyday is a different day.

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