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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Beauty sleep is vain, rest is fleeting

Man, this life with two kids alone is week to week. One week I'm so energized, we have one big activity each day whether it's playgroup for Maggie on Mondays and Fridays, swimming for AJ and then Library time for both of them on Tuesdays, and Thursdays it's the playgroup at church. Wednesdays I leave open for personal errands or playdates with other friends. And of course there's teaching piano on Tuesday and Thursday, plus my own lesson on Wednesday.

Then other weeks I have to do all that, but I'm operating on very bad sleep so I can barely open my eyes and I have to cancel things that involve leaving the house cuz I feel too tired to drive. I end up napping here and there throughout the day, and I'mnot fully functional until 3pm.

Sleeping is another story. AJ's been sleeping through the night for the past two months. NOw it's like I leave him to sleep in his crib in my room, I leave the radio blasting and one light on. I shut the door and I don't hear him till dawn. BUt then if he does wake up (might happen once a few nights a week) I give him a soother or if that doesn't work, a short rocking, and only warm water.
But now Maggie is the crazy one cuz she sleeps in her own twin bed now, so she will occassionally come out of the room screaming like a mad person. Searching for me cuz I'm not sleeping in my regular room where AJ is. I could be in the guest room, I could be on the couch... I dunno. I just don't want to be in the same room as AJ cuz he makes too many "fake wake-up noises".

ANywayz for three days in a row now, I decided to just put them both in Maggie's room. I just decided I wanted to take my own room back. We'll see how this new stragegy goes.

Twenty-two and half months

You'd be so amazed by all the things that Maggie knows now. About two months ago she was singing Itsy Bitsy Spider. Well it is still her most favorite song. I went to the library today and borrowed a few non-fiction books in the children's section about Spiders. What vivid pictures! She could tell that a Tarantula was "Ho Di -ah" and small one that you see in the house was "Ho Si Go -ah". She was looking for spiders on every page!

Funny! But I'm very thankful that the kids are healthy they're eating well, and maggie talks so much and learns so much. She knows all the letters of the alphabet from H to Z. But I really have no idea what happened to A to G, it's like she doesn't care about them at all. She knows the names of all the planets from her book about planets. I mean they're all the same shape but there are specific distinguishing features whether it's the colour or the rings of Saturn. She knows the moon, earth, and sun in every picture in her books, whether it's a drawing or photo... and she knows a few bible characters in her "peek a boo" bible book - Moses, David, Daniel, Jonah, Esther, Jesus and angel. So cooL! However this is all in English. Gotta work on the Chinese more.

I'm trying to keep the blog updated, so I guess a month ago in March 10 or so, she got the Book about Planets and she was naming them all off beginning with the Sun, Mercury, Jenus (Venus), Eart (Earth), Mars, Dupiter (Jupiter), Saturn Rings! (Saturn), URAINus (uranus), Neptune blue one, baby Pluto. I really had to teach her the "old science" I grew up that Pluto was a planet. It's hard to get it on tape though cuz she stops talking about them, well I think there is one video so I'll have to post it.